Friday 25 October 2013

Reason for our song

We chose icona pop - I love it, we all love the song and had many practical ideas. The song is upbeat and fast which a means would could create a very jump cut video which would be fun for us to shoot. For us the song creates an idea of young people breaking out of the person they are, trying something new and doing new things; this helped us to create three strong induviual characters which had very different personalities but the same reason for changing themselves. We then had the idea of following them in our video, this could be possibly a great narrative for our video. The song had english voices singing which reminded us of our acdemic lifes which gave us the idea to start and finish the music video in school. The song 'I love it' had great potential to make an outstanding music video, so we picked it.

Mood board

We made a mood-board of the other artists our target audience would listen to. We decided that the other kinds of artists our target audience would listen to would be these artists. We chose artists that all have a bit of an edge to them because in our song we are showing an edgy/rebellious side to the teenage girls so our target audience will also like these artists. Our target audience will predominantly listen to female artists because they are female themselves and will feel more connected to the artist.

Wednesday 23 October 2013


We have chosen to use Tzvetan Todorov’s theory in our music video because it is a theory that can be used in any narrative. It was an easy way for us to understand how to structure the narrative of our video and for it to be an obvious flow of events so the audience understands the narrative more and willingly goes along with it. The state of equilibrium in our music video is at the beginning when all the students are in the class bored and everything is normal. The disequilibrium is then when the music starts and the girls jump up and leave their lesson because they want to go and have some fun. The recognition is when the teachers are chasing them outside of school and they are running away because this is when they recognise that it has changed as they are running and getting away from teachers trying to make them stay. The fix is that they are out having fun and doing what they like rather than being bored in school and that seems to be the new equilibrium that they are not going back to school and will instead have fun with their time. In fact though it ends with a return or restoration of the beginning of the video as they find themselves back in the classroom and it was all a dream.

We chose Niamh to play Millie as we feel she suits the role the most. This is because we feel she is comitted enough to play the main role and she she is confident with acting and lip singing in the video.

We knew Niamh would have enough spare time to commit and spend time on filming so we knew we could rely on her as the main character. She also looks very much how we imagine so would be perfect for the role. She was confident when picking our chose of song and knew the lyrics already which made us feel she would be best playing Millie.

Monday 21 October 2013

Character Profile


Tasnim Khanom plays Mia, a girl with a banter filled heart however a very strong and aggressive mind. To the people she loves and cares for (her friends, family etc) she can be a respectful and kind yet funny like a 'joker' kind of girl, however if you get on the wrong side of her and annoy her she can be aggressive and extremely threatening even though she probably doesn't intend to be. She was brought up in family of plenty of people (more then 7 in a house) and never got any single one to one attention, she finds this almost awkward to talk about in her everyday life. Her friends are Millie and Friend 1 and she loves her time with them, she tries new things with Millie and doesn't care about the consequence, a consequence to her is exhilarating and fun. She likes fights and tries to put herself in a destructive atmosphere. She bunks school alot and doesn't think that much of eduction and making a living, her upbringing has put her off kids and she doesn't have that much time for younger people. Her life is with trouble making, Millie and Danielle and her loved ones(family). 

Character Profile


Brooke Shannon will play Danielle, a typical 'blonde' who follows her friends and the 'ditsy' one of the group. From a young age she has always been the stereotypical 'dumb' blonde who tries to fit in with everyone else by following the crowd. Unlike Millie, she isn't as brave and as confident in willing to try new things however if it means she will boost her popularity there is no doubt she would say yes. Her upbringing was good and she was spoilt and showered in good things and designer clothes, a very happy child indeed. She is also in the circle of group Millie is in and looks to Millie as her bestfriend and someone who is always there for her. Even though she can be wary when it comes to dangerous things, she loves to draw any attention to her and her group and loves being fun and flirty. She always takes pride in what she looks like and will not go a day without her makeup bag and hair straighteners.

Character profiles


Niamh McloughLin is playing Millie, an average grade school girl who is bored of her repeated everyday life. Her upbringing was bright however simple and very much repeated. This has influenced on the way she acts when not around her family, almost a different person, Millie behaves mischievous. She likes to act up around her friends and usually finds herself detention or the head teacher’s office.  Millie has a strong circle of friends and is the ‘popular’ girl out of all of them, she has a tighter group of two best friends that she considers herself closest to and can trust with almost anything. She is the type of girl to try new things, some good some bad and no matter what the outcome can get always get away with it; Just like the old saying 'getting away with murder'. The wild choices she makes and crazy things she does are all a reflection of the person inside her she has always wanted to set free inside of her and even though we see the reckless teen she is, we are still reminded that she is still a young school girl experiencing different things (much like other young people) when she wakes up(in the music video) in a classroom and laughs at her outrageous daydream. 

Wednesday 16 October 2013




Three girls (Tasnim, Niamh & Brooke) are in class, bored to death by their boring teacher. Whilst he talks about rivers and lakes Tasnim chews some plays slyly on her phone, Brooke plays with a pencil and Niamh is slowly drifting off into a ‘deep sleep’.

We are trying to imply the idea of bored teenagers almost fed up with their everyday life and wanting to try something new. Our target audience will enjoy this as they will be able to relate. We want them to see this and expect what will come next, to be interested in watching the rest of the video.  Our research told us that our target audience prefer young girls the same age as them, this helped us an awful lot as we chose exactly what they wanted.

Once Niamh has eventually closed her eyes the song starts and she wakes up, feeling like a new person she stands up throws her papers and acts like the reckless teenager she never was. After the others in class see this they join in and rush out of the class. The video now focuses more on the three main girls and their new life as crazy young reckless teens just enjoying life. The video follows them to places such as bowling, arcade, Camden town, people’s houses, in school and a bathroom to show the audience how much of a good time they are having.

After a while Niamh wakes up from Brookes Pencil to the head and relises it was a dream. She laughs and Tasnim and Brooke both give her a confused look and the music video ends.

Monday 7 October 2013


1. Do you like the artist to sing in the video?


2. Do you like pop music?


3. Do you prefer narrative videos or artist performance videos?


4. Do you like music videos with people messing about?


5. Do you prefer to see music videos with people your own age? YES/NO

6. Do you prefer singles sex videos or both genders?


7. Do you think pop music should be just girls?


8. Do you like to see a lot of different locations in a music video? YES/NO

9. If yes, do you like to see shots jumping from location to location?


10. Do you like to see dance routines in videos?


11. Do you prefer to see people who seem like friends in a music video?


12. What’s your favourite colour?


13. How do you like the artist to dress?


14. What colours do you like the people in the video to wear?


15. What kind of location would you like to see in the video

We asked people whether they prefer narrative videos
 or artist performance videos and the strongest reply 
we got back was that narrative videos are the most popular.
 From this we have decided to make out video have a
 story behind it rather then the artist just lip sinking
 through the video without a narrative.

We asked 'Do you like to see a lot of different locations in a music video?'
From the results to this question we decided that we would try and use as many different locations in our music video as this is what our target audience wants to see.

We asked people weather the like to see the artist in the video or not and got the very strong reply of yes. From this we have decided to show someone in the video lip sinking to try and show clearly that they are the artist to keep the target audience of our video happy.

We asked if people like to see people ‘messing about’ in music videos and most people said yes so we have decided to try and show young people having a lot of fun in our music video.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Questionnaire analyses PART 1

1.Do you like the artist to sing in the video?

Most people circled yes, with this we understand that our target audience prefers the artist to be singing along. To please our target audience we will have shots of each of us in the group in different locations mouthing the lyrics to the song as this means the audience will enjoy our video.

2.Do you like pop music?

For this question the most popular answer was pop. We have chosen a pop song that is fun and enjoyable as we have the evidence to say pop is most enjoyed when targeted at the audience.

3.Do you prefer narrative videos or artist performance videos?

Narrative was  the most popular answer for this question, so we have gone with a story like theme for our video as it will match the video while making the video fun for those who enjoy narrative videos.

4.Do you like music videos with people messing about?

Yes was the most circled, for us this means a narrative video with shots of the artist singing and jumping around having an all around fun time is what the audience is looking for. So this helps us create the mould of our video to fit what the audience enjoy.

5.Do you prefer to see music videos with people your own age?

We got the same amount of no’s as we did yes’s. We have decided to use the same aged people as our target audience to attract them and share the video. Having people our age will not only be a positive for our group but be fun as we can include our friends. However, we are going to also use a teacher or two to help out with our video.

Music video's

The target audience for our music video is going to be predominately female as the pop industry is mainly female artists and stereotypically girls like it. As it is all girls in our video, it will be aimed at females because they will relate to the characters as they share the same sex. The age will be from 12-22 because pop is predominantly  aimed at the younger generation as it is very fun and energetic, mostly featuring very young people in their early 20's. People the same age as pop artists will like pop because they can relate to the artist and teenagers will look up to pop artists as role models and that is why this age range fits out target audience. Despite the fact that in out music video the people in it are teenagers, older teenagers and very early 20's aged people are still included in the target audience as they would be the same age as alot of pop artists and relate to those artists, meaning they already like pop music so they will also like ours even though the people featuring in it are younger then them. as I said, our music video will also be featuring young people which will make teenagers more attracted to it because they will relate to it more to see people there own age or of similar age. The kind of people in our target audience will be girls who enjoy going out and seeing friends a lot and having a lot of fun just like what we hope to portray in our music video. For the older part of our age range in our target audience they will enjoy going out to clubs and bars with their girlfriends and dressing up for a night out. They will be up to date with fashion trends as they will be style concious and want to look their best and that is the kind of clothes we want to show the girls wearing in our music video.