Wednesday 30 April 2014


Our brief was to make a music video for a target audience of our choice. We decided that we would have a young female target audience and chose to do the song ‘I love it’ by icona pop. My role in the production was to develop who our target audience, create a questionnaire, find a theory to use in our video, decide on our costumes, draw a storyboard, do a lot of research into other music videos and media texts to help give us ideas for our own, and star in the video. For our research we did a lot of work in our lessons, looking at other music videos and thinking of what we liked and disliked about them so we got a better idea of what genre we wanted our video to be. I also independently looked at other forms of media such as TV shows and movies that could inspire us.

We chose pop as our genre as we know pop is a female dominated music industry and we were a group of three girls. The conventions we have kept to for pop is that it stars three girls (as pop usually shows young women) and we also used jump cuts as we had a lot of shots in our final video and wanted to do this as we know it is a convention of pop music as it keeps the video up beat and exciting.
One music video that inspired ours was ‘hit me baby one more time’ by Brittney Spears and we used the idea of being in school and daydreaming about being elsewhere.
To plan our video we all came up with a narrative together and I drew a storyboard for it and I also planned what costumes we would wear through the video and we planned the locations we would film in.
When we actually went to film it went well as we got all the footage that we needed for our video and as we are all friends we were able to communicate well with each other so we did not face any problems.
One thing we could of improved on is that the people in our group could be more reliable when it came to showing up on time because some members of our group did not always come in which made it difficult to plan without them.
When editing the video the problem we faced was that our song was longer than we thought so our story board was too short, but we very easily overcame this easily because we had enough footage to add in more clips so that the video was long enough. Another problem we had was that we were all new to iMovie and did not know how to use it however we quickly got the hang of the basics of it and were able to edit our video.

We decide that we would show our video on YouTube so that everyone around the world will be able to access it. We knew that our target audience is likely to be on YouTube and listen to music on there. It is also something that people can share on social networking sites such as Facebook and twitter so the video is more likely to go viral. We knew that some of our target audience was young girls and therefore were probably impressionable and we did not want to represent women as sexual objects because we realised that we could be seen as people to look up to for younger girls. I think overall our video went well as it was an upbeat, fun video. I feel that it did not capture the rebellious spirit as much as I would have liked, but I still think the video will be enjoyable for our target audience to watch.
Personally, my favourite sequence from the video is near the end when the video starts to reverse for a few shots before it goes back to the school setting from the beginning. I liked this because the shots used were stots of us dancing or with a lot of movement and I think it looked very good when it all reversed. It fit in with the music that was playing in that part of the song and it is a good way to end the adventure because it is as if you are rewinding it to the beginning of the video when the girls are just in the classroom.
One convention of women in the music industry that we tried to break in our video is the sexualisation of women. Usually in pop videos the artist wears very little clothing and does provocative dancing, but we did not want to be sexualised and did not follow any of these conventions. We wanted to show the friendship between girls and them having fun instead.
I think we represented the social group of teenage girls as the places where we went were all places that teenage girls would hang out with friends to have fun. Our characters were all represented as cool and fun which we wanted because then our target audience may feel like they are relatable people.
I think we successfully reached our target audience of teenage girls and young women because we showed many school friends our video and got very positive feedback from our target audience.
If I was to do this again I would try and invest in better equipment to use like better cameras and lighting.  I would also try and schedule my time for planning and filming better so no time is wasted and we could possible spend more time on editing or getting more filming shots.

Brooke Shannon Evaluation


For our video we did a fun and girly version of ‘Icona Pop-I love it’. Our brief was to make a music video for a target audience of our choice. In the production process I took the role of starring in the video as well as researching into other music videos and things that could inspire ours and editing the video. We spent a lot time looking at different music videos which gave us ideas, likes and dislikes and helped give us ideas as to who we wanted as our target audience.

Our genre is pop and my group enjoyed this genre. We knew stereotypically pop is very girly and there are many female artists in the pop industry so by picking a song of this genre because we knew other females have done this and it has worked for them. A convention we used is jump cuts because from research we knew our target audience liked short and snappy videos and we preferred that style of editing.

When planning our video we decided it was better to write the narrative first, we found this helped when we designed our costumes and picked locations. We chose a handful of costumes for each starring role as we found the video would look more professional. When choosing locations we picked 4 locations that fit our music video theme. Then once everything was written we drew out a story board of the narrative and shots and camera angles of how we wanted our music video to look. Filming went according to plan and we got all the footage needed. We could of improved the way we worked by all of us being in on the same day as we missed days where we were missing a group member or two. One problem we faced was the length of the song as are story board finished before the song did; this meant we had to add more clips to our video.

When we started editing we found it difficult as we had never used iMovie and didn’t really understand it, however once we got the swing of it we were fine. We stayed a lot after school till late and we finished the video earlier than expected.

We decided we would exhibit our music video on YouTube. YouTube is an online worldwide sensation and you would be able to see our video around the world. We would also be able to post the video onto social network sites and get our views up. This is a great way of sharing the video as everyone will be able to get a hold of it. Our music video was three rebel girls who had gotten bored of school and decided to just break free, have fun; only to wake up and find it was only a dream. On the whole, I think our video was great and I think our group did well. We worked together and extremely hard to get the final result which we are very proud of. My favourite part personally is when the video reversed and came back to the girls in the classroom, I think it showed a great range of our technical skills and was something clever that you wouldn’t expect. We broke the convention that all women are objectified. We didn’t wear very little clothing and were not sexualised in the slightest way.  The main artist was represented as a rebel teenager, cool and fun, ‘down with the kids’. We felt she didn’t need to be sexualised to make a good video. Our target audience were teenagers; I believe we have reached them. We have shown the video to a large amount of school friends and everyone has said nothing but good comments. Finally, the main lesson I will take away from this is that music videos are very stereotypical and represent females in the wrong way. I have also learnt to respect how much work and time is put behind the music video, I appreciate music videos more now that I have had to make one.

music video evaluation.

Music videos evaluation.

My music video is the song I Don’t Care by Icona-Pop. The brief for my music video was to make a video for the ages 12 and above also to go to different places that almost everyone goes too and places where teenagers would hang out if they weren’t at school, for young people who don’t like school or want to get out of school and also daydream whiles in school. In the video I was the camera women and I recorded most of the video but the rest of the video I couldn’t make it and someone else had to record the rest of the video, I also did the props also did a mood board. The kinds of background work we did was mostly research on other music videos that was connected to mine and movies that related to the same target audience as mine…. So like movies like “Spring Breakers”


My music genre is pop but also has a new kind of music vibe to it. We decided to including our production……… the scene that influenced me the most was the scene when Tasnim, Niamh & Brooke was in Brooke’s house and was dancing on her bed and sing in their pjs this influenced me the most because this shows what teenage girls are really into the kind of stuff they really like to do also another scene that I really liked from our video was the scene when were outside recording and dancing and Tasnim&Niamh was standing out each side of Brooke was they were just dancing and other children came over because they saw us recording our videos and joined in and that is also what our videos about showing how everyone no matter what race gender or colour you are your still welcome in our community. In my video I helped plan the places where we would film the video and also helped where the camera angels would be and when they would be like that. Most of the filming that I helped with came out alright and was really clear also we didn’t need to record it over and over again we only needed to record it at least 3 times the most but the others that I wasn’t there for also came out really good every clear and the camera angels was the same . Well I could have improved my group by me coming in and helping them record when they needed me to come in on the weekend and holidays as well but also we could have agreed a little bit more about where and when we wanted to film. Sometimes we did argue but we also tried to work together as a team to get the music video finished. At first when we started editing we started off with not knowing how to edit the video but also Brooke knew how to use the editing soft wear because she’s used it before for other things but on the apply macs we used it had other classes videos from where they made their videos and it was still on the macs so we had to work around the other classes work on the macs. Now that our video is finished  I was shear it on youtube because that were everyone goesthe most to look for songs they like and all they need to doo is type in Icona-Pop I Don't Care and our video will come up with all of the other videos that have been uploaded on to Youtube with the name Icona-Pop I Don't Care. I made this video for and to show what its like to be a teenager and what its like to live the way we do and how people see us isnt really how me are. this show exacually what my target audience is about and what kind of stuff they like. the overall view of my music video was that my music video i wasnt really invovled in helping alot but when i did help i tried to put 100% of everything i had into helping my group. to be honest our group worked well together because we were all friend and we saw each other outside of school anyways so it doesnt really matter soo we where meeting to chill anyways so we just brang the camera along and made it into a video. my favourite part of the music video was when Brooke,Tasnim&Niamh was dancing on the wall and other people from our school joined into the recording of the music video because it shows that people want to be a part of our video and also want to help us get a higher grade.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Story board

The target audience for our music video is going to be predominately female as the pop industry is mainly female artists and stereotypically girls like it. As it is all girls in our video, it will be aimed at females because they will relate to the characters as they share the same sex. The age will be from 12-22 because pop is predominantly  aimed at the younger generation as it is very fun and energetic, mostly featuring very young people in their early 20's. People the same age as pop artists will like pop because they can relate to the artist and teenagers will look up to pop artists as role models and that is why this age range fits out target audience. Despite the fact that in out music video the people in it are teenagers, older teenagers and very early 20's aged people are still included in the target audience as they would be the same age as alot of pop artists and relate to those artists, meaning they already like pop music so they will also like ours even though the people featuring in it are younger then them. as I said, our music video will also be featuring young people which will make teenagers more attracted to it because they will relate to it more to see people there own age or of similar age. The kind of people in our target audience will be girls who enjoy going out and seeing friends a lot and having a lot of fun just like what we hope to portray in our music video. For the older part of our age range in our target audience they will enjoy going out to clubs and bars with their girlfriends and dressing up for a night out. They will be up to date with fashion trends as they will be style concious and want to look their best and that is the kind of clothes we want to show the girls wearing in our music video.

Thursday 10 April 2014


  Millie (Niamh)

Bowling costume:

I chose this costume because the blue and white tie dye top is quite colourful and playful. It is also quite casual which is positive because we did not want to look too dressed up or fancy as we are playing people our age group who would not really dress in expensive or very fancy clothes. I chose the black skater skirt because it is very light and allows a lot of movement. As this outfit is to be worn for the bowling I thought it would be good to wear clothes that allowed us to move freely. I chose the hair 'scrunchie' because it is quite colourful and we think that it highlights their youth, which is the main reason why they are so keen to just go off and have a good time.

Arcade costume: 

I chose this because high necked crop tops are in fashion at the moment, showing the girls are up to date with all the latest fashions. This may help it appeal to the target audience because they may like to wear similar clothes to this, and may make them feel more connected to the characters or feel similarities which will make them more likely to enjoy the video. As the top is black I thought it could look slightly plain, so I decided to add accessories such as the gold necklace and hoop earrings to make it stand out more. With the jewellery, there was a risk that the outfit could look a bit fancy or dressed up, and since we wanted to keep it looking casual, I decided to pair it up with blue high waisted jeans. These jeans are very common for teenagers to wear on a regular basis, so the target audience may relate because of similar clothes choices to people in the video.It was important to make sure the outfit was casual because this is worn at the arcade where all three of the girls are just messing around and playing on the machines there.

Costume for in school:

This is a picture of how our school uniform is supposed to be worn, however we decide that we would slightly change it once we left the classroom. In the scenes where we are singing outside and next to the locker I (as the character of Millie) am wearing a leather jacket instead of the school blazer. Leather jackets first became very popular in the 1950's and 60's and were thought to make a person 'cool' or rebellious. A good example of this is in the film 'Grease' where the 'T-birds' all wear leather jackets to show that they are the 'cool' ones and part of a gang. As we are playing people who are being rebellious by running out of school and doing what they like, we thought a leather jacket captured the attitude of doing as we like and being 'bad'. Leather jackets like the one that I wear have become very popular which also made us more attracted to wearing one because it shows that the characters are stylish ad well as 'bad'.

'Girly' bedroom costume:

 This is the pyjamas that I will be wearing in the scene where we are all in a bedroom dancing and singing. I chose These shorts because the hint of pink on the ribbon, along with the pink walls and poster, helps give the overall 'girly' impression from this scene that we are trying to create. I wear this baseball t-shirt because it is currently in style right now and we saw that many female singers with similar target audiences to us such as Miley Cyrus, Rita Ora and Jessy from Little Mix.

Danielle (Brooke)


Arcade costume:

This is the outfit  that the character Danielle (Brooke) wore to the arcade.We know that tight midi skirts have become a popular fashion item so to again show that the teenagers are up to date on fashion trends we wore costumes that are 'in' right now. The leather jacket is to make the outfit more interesting and edgy. Typically, leather jackets are worn by the 'rebels' in movies and TV shows and we liked this idea because we wanted the characters to be rebels as they are running out of school to go and do what they like. You can compare it too the film Grease where the 'T-birds' gang all wear leather jackets to represent their 'bad boy' attitude.  The white high top converse seems like an obvious choice as converse are one of the most common shoes among teenagers and would be a typical thing for a teenage girl to wear with anything.

Bowling costume:

We chose this outfit for Brooke to wear for the bowling because we wanted it to look relaxed and casual but still quite trendy and fashionable. As we chose 'Cher Horrowitz' from the film clueless as our inspiration for the character because she always cares about how she looks even though she is a bit 'clueless'. Because of this we made sure Danielles character always wore clothes that were fashionable and trendy such as army jackets and high waisted skinny jeans.

Costume for in school:

This is the hat Danielle (Brooke) will wear when we film in school by the lockers and outside with her school uniform. This is a very informal and casual hat that would not be worn with a school uniform like this one with a blazer and tie as it contradicts the smart look of the uniform. We wanted to do this to show that the characters no longer care about the rules and restrictions of school, and will do what they like and wear what they like because that is all they are interested in.

'Girly' bedroom costume:

 The colour of this jumper shows the audience that this is a very 'girly' scene as pink is typically a girls colour. This jumper is worn rather then revealing clothes because we wanted to subvert conventions of women in the media, which usually shows them wearing very little clothing ad dancing provocatively. These shorts are what I thought of as typical pyjamas as they are checked and looked very casual. On there own they could be seen as boring however paired with a pink jumper they look girly.

Mia (Tasnim)

Arcade costume:

This outfit was chosen to be worn by Tasnim for when we went to the arcade. I chose a leopard print blouse for her to wear because I thought it is quite a fun pattern and also a popular pattern among teenagers. The gold chain is with the shirt to try and make the outfit look more edgy because the character of Mia is supposed to be a rebellious girl.The trousers are navy blue skinny jeans because we wanted her character to be stylish and again wanted to keep her clothes looking casual.

Bowling costume:

I chose this top for Tasnim to wear because we thought it is quite bright and colourful which will make her stand out more. The bright orange colour connotes a playful/fun attitude and also represents her youth. We paired it with a gold chain again because we thought that this would emphasis her rebellious spirit as in most music videos the gold chain is used to show they are a gangster. Despite the character of Mia not being a gangster, we wanted the idea of her being tough and doing what she likes to be apparent through the clothes she wears.

Costume for school:

In school Mia's character will be wearing her shirt and Jumper, but with out her school tie. This is because she throws her tie in the air as we leave the classroom signifying she is leaving the school rules behind her in the classroom and will do what she likes. She also Puts on a pair of black sunglasses when we have left the classroom which again is contradicting to the smart school uniform showing she does not care about the school rules. It also shows that she is quite stylish as this is a stereotype of girls in pop music videos.

'Girly' bedroom costume:

This is the dalmatian onsie that Mia will wear for the scene in a bedroom. We chose this for her to wear because onsies were typically something that a baby wears, however people now wear them around the house because they are comfortable and the different animals they come in can be funny to dress up in. Mia wearing a dalmatian onsie shows that she is up for a good time and to have a laugh with her friends, because she is wearing pyjamas that could be seen as funny or ridiculous. It also shows her youth to emphasise that we are all young and want to just have fun with our friends. It makes her more fun and friendly, therefore making her character feel more approachable and perhaps relatable for our target audience. Many celebrities in the pop industry with similar target audiences to us have worn onsies such as Miley Cyrus in a viral music video. The onsie made her seem more fun and like she was messing around, which is what we want our target audience to see us as when they watch it.

Other costumes

We all wore this over our school uniforms in one scene because we thought it would look good if we wore clothes that show we are in school studying. The lab jacket and goggles make it clear we are in school here, however we are clearly not doing an experiment showing we have abandoned our lesson to go and have fun instead of learn.