Wednesday 27 November 2013


Tables and chairs – to show we are in the school bored our heads on the table and not wanting to do any thing and we want to get out off school so we decide to run out of school and how our target audience would most properly feel like when there at school.
Pen-when Niamh is falling asleep Brooke chucks a pen at her head to wake her up.
Iphone- Tasnim using her phone when shes meant to be working and listening.
bowling - the girls went bowling to show fun and excitement 
Books closed - shows were in school and we closed our books because we didn't want to do work,like were not bothered to do anything and we don't care. 
gum- we are using gum to show that one of the girls are like really they don't care and don't care what people think about them trying to give off the effect that shes a bad girl and don't care what anyone thinks of her.not allowed to have gum in school so there braking the rules.
sheets of paper- because one of the girls gets all the paper and chucks it in the air and tells the other girls to get up and run away with her, this would really effect the teachers because there meant to be doing them papers not chucking it up in the air.

make up- bright colors , eye liner, mascara
cloths  - what teenagers like to wear e.g dresses,shorts,vests , school uniforms, school shoes
shoes - Converses, Timberland,Dr martins, 
because our target audience is teenagers and most of the teenagers like to wear when they go out with there friends.

we used this lighting in out video because we thought it would give off the affect that our target audience is like

  • skate board -we are using a skate board to appeal to our target audience because our target audience is 12-22, most of the target audience like to hang with there friends
  • 2 scooter- to show that everyone is having a good time riding around on there scooters and skate boards .
westfiled: westfield is kinda of bright so we would have a bright light but not to bright and really big space to film, its really one of the main places that everyone goes to chill so really its the best place for our music video.
escalator- we are using escalators because in our song , it says "I love it i don't care" so 1 person going up and one person going down and in the middle there hands meet &make a heart were trying to give off the effect that no matter what we do we dont care.

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