Wednesday 25 September 2013

Miley Cyrus – We cant stop

Miley Cyrus chose a very different and strange type of video for her
single ‘we can’t stop’, some people think the video is just to express
her new lifestyle but I personally think the video is to get the fact
that she isn’t a teenager anymore across to the public.

She starts the video laying under a couch, as if she had a rough night,
 in tacky tight and exposing clothing. If that isn’t enough it gets
 worse, she goes on to start ‘twerking’ and dancing as a giant teddy

The video is a greyish colour and what really stands out is her red
lipstick, this automatically gives away a more dark and non ‘hannah montana’ vibe; I think she was intending to do this. The colours put
a mood on the video and even though there is not much happening it
 makes you focus more on the outrageous stuff that Miley is doing.

I believe she is trying to move on from her disney channel past and
proving she has grown up now and I see this when she is shot kissing
a doll version of herself in a swimming pool. Even though she has
clearly proved she is not a kid she is still dissapointing her younger
fanbase by insinuating dressing half naked and acting crazy is good.

Ariana Grande – Baby I

The style of this music video Is fun and energetic, expressing how
great it is to feel young and in love. Ariana chose to portray the idea
of feeling young and fun by using shots of her ‘partying’ with friends
in an old warehouse, starting a flash mob on a street and just having
a good time in general. I think she chose this style of video as it
 mirrors the lyrics of being young and in love however it also says
 ‘live you’re life’.

The clothing she and her dancers are wearing in this video are flirty
and bright also implying the idea of being young, however she is also
seen in dungarees which is a sign and almost a flashback to
childhood therefor you get the impression of being young which is
one of the main things I feel Ariana is trying to portray in the video.

The set in this music video includes a street in LA (that seems to have
 been taken over by Ariana and friends), an old warehouse which
they use to party, a wall covered in scaffolding and a wall of graffiti.
All of these places gives the impression of rebellion which is a stereotype that all teenagers go out party have fun break the law
 and rebel against rules. Again for most teenagers this would be
considered ‘fun’ and  that is exactly what Ariana has tried to
 expressthrough this video.

I think this is a good video that is just really colourful girly and bright
 and the video makes me feel like Ariana had a great time shooting it.